The staff gym would like to say a huge congratulations and thank you to all the teams that took part in the recent team weight loss challenge. The response was tremendous with 32 teams taking apart and a massive 50 stones lost.
The winners were the ‘Chunky Monkeys’ who lost a fabulous 3 stones 1 lb between them. Their team leader Linda (pictured) had this to say about the challenge:
“A Weight Loss Challenge, now that sounded like just the thing we needed to kick start our weight loss and help us get back into the zone of healthy eating. We all agreed, if we were going to be in it, then we were going to do our best to WIN IT.
The league tables really helped with this, keeping us all focused as it was so close between all the teams. A competitive nature emerged in all of us!
We were amazed at how much commitment the challenge encouraged, not only in sticking to the healthy eating plan, but to each other. No-one wanted to let their team members down. We supported each other 100% throughout the challenge and have continued to do so as our weight
loss journey continues…………”